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Class 14 - Jewelry & Watches

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class Class Name
14 non-leather watch straps
14 non-monetary coins of precious metal
14 olivine [gems]
14 ornamental figurines of precious metal
14 ornamental jewellery
14 ornamental lapel pins [jewellery]
14 ornamental neck chains
14 ornamental pendants [jewellery]
14 ornamental pins
14 ornamental pins [jewellery]
14 ornamental pins of precious metal
14 ornamental plates of precious metal
14 ornamental precious stones
14 ornamental sculptures of precious metal
14 ornamental statues of precious metal
14 ornaments for ankles [jewellery]
14 ornaments for shoes (of precious metal)
14 ornaments (jewellery)
14 ornaments of jet
14 ornaments of precious metal for hats
14 ornaments of precious metal for shoes
14 osmium
14 palladium
14 paste jewellery
14 paste jewellery (costume jewelry)
14 paste jewellery [jewellery for clothing]
14 paste jewelry
14 paste jewelry [costume jewelry]
14 pearls
14 pearls [jewellery]
14 pearls [jewellery]
14 pearls [jewelry]
14 pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]
14 pendants [jewellery]
14 pendants of precious metal
14 pendulums [clock- and watchmaking]
14 pendulums for clock and watch-making
14 peridot
14 pewter jewellery
14 pierced earrings
14 pins [jewellery]
14 pins [jewellery]
14 pins [jewelry]
14 pins of precious metal
14 plated jewelry
14 platinum [metal]
14 pocket watches
14 precious and semi-precious gems
14 precious and semi-precious gemstones
14 precious and semi-precious metal

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