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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 33 - Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages, except beers; alcoholic preparations for making beverages.

Class Class Name
33 Chinese rice alcohol
33 Chinese rice wines
33 Chinese tonic wines
33 Chinese wines [alcoholic beverages]
33 cider
33 cider cocktails
33 cocktails
33 cognac
33 compound rice wine [clear]
33 cooking liquors
33 curacao
33 dessert wines
33 digestifs [liqueurs and spirits]
33 distilled alcoholic beverages
33 distilled beverages
33 distilled liquors
33 distilled spirits
33 distilled spirits made from sugar cane
33 distilled spirits made from sugar cane with fruits
33 distilled wines
33 dry gin
33 flavored and seasoned alcoholic beverages
33 flavored tonic liquors
33 fortified wines
33 fruit extracts, alcoholic
33 fruit wines
33 gaoliang [Chinese alcohol]
33 gin
33 ginseng liqueurs
33 glutinous rice wines
33 grain-based distilled alcoholic beverages
33 grappa
33 hard cider
33 hydromel [mead]
33 Japanese liquors
33 Japanese sake [liquors]
33 Kaoliang liquors
33 kirsch
33 Korean traditional rice wine
33 light alcoholic cocktails
33 light sparkling wines
33 liqueurs
33 liquors
33 malt whisky
33 mead
33 mead [hydromel]
33 mixed alcoholic drinks
33 mixed drinks [alcopops]
33 natural sweet wines
33 peppermint liqueurs

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