CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 36 - Financial & Property

Financial, monetary and banking services; insurance services; real estate services.
Commonly used descriptions: antique evaluation; apartment house management services; asset appraisal; banking; brokerage of real estate; charitable fund raising; currency exchange services; currency trading services; debt collection agency services; electronic money transfer services; electronic payment services; evaluation of real estate; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial consultancy services; financial evaluation services; financial management services; financial services; financing of loans; guarantee services; hire-purchase financing; insurance; insurance brokerage services; investment services; pawnbrokerage; provident fund services; provision of financial information; rental of flats; trading of securities; trusteeship services;
Class Class Name
36 real estate rental services
36 real estate research services
36 real estate selection for others
36 real estate valuation services
36 real property management
36 real property research
36 redemption of tokens of value
36 redemption of travellers' cheques
36 redemption of vouchers
36 reinsurance brokerage services
36 reinsurance for disability plans
36 re-insurance services
36 reinsurance services
36 reinsurance underwriting
36 remittance express services
36 remittance services
36 remote payment services
36 rent collection
36 rent collection services
36 rental of accommodation
36 rental of apartments
36 rental of apartments, accommodation, houses and real estate
36 rental of bank cash dispensing machines
36 rental of buildings
36 rental of cash dispensers or automated teller machines
36 rental of commercial premises and offices
36 rental of farms
36 rental of flats
36 rental of office premises
36 rental of office [real estate]
36 rental of office space
36 rental of offices for co-working
36 rental of offices [real estate]
36 rental of paper money and coin counting machines
36 rental of property
36 rental of real estate
36 rental of real estate
36 rental of real estate and shopping spaces
36 rental of residential apartment buildings
36 rental of retail centres
36 renting of commercial premises
36 renting of houses
36 renting of land
36 renting of offices, shops, property for restaurant, flats and apartments
36 renting of restaurant premises
36 renting of shops
36 renting of shops, food and beverage outlets, entertainment and cinema premises
36 repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]
36 replacement of travelers' cheques and credit cards
36 research, analysis, consultancy, evaluation or assessment relating to financial investment

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