CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 delivery of goods and mail
39 delivery of goods by air
39 delivery of goods by courier
39 delivery of goods by land
39 delivery of goods by mail order
39 delivery of goods by road
39 delivery of goods by sea
39 delivery of goods by truck
39 delivery of letters
39 delivery of magazines
39 delivery of mails
39 delivery of messages
39 delivery of newspapers
39 delivery of packages and personal property by air, rail, boat and motor vehicle
39 delivery of periodicals
39 delivery of pharmaceutical goods to hospitals and pharmacies
39 delivery of printed matter
39 dispatch of mail
39 distribution of crude oil
39 distribution of electricity
39 distribution of energy
39 distribution of fuel
39 distribution of liquefied natural gas
39 distribution of liquefied petroleum gas
39 distribution of natural gas
39 distribution of oils
39 distribution of petroleum
39 distribution of petroleum products
39 distribution [transport] of films and recordings of sound and images
39 distribution [transport] of goods by air, road and sea
39 distribution [transport] of interactive compact discs, CD ROMs, computer programs and computer games
39 distribution (transportation) of blood, blood components and stem cells
39 distribution (transportation) of goods
39 distribution (transportation) of magazines and books
39 distribution (transportation) of meals for airlines
39 distribution (transportation) of newspapers
39 distribution (transportation) of printed matter
39 distribution (transportation) of vehicles
39 domestic freight forwarding services
39 domestic parcel express delivery services
39 door-to-door collection of goods and documents
39 electricity distribution
39 electricity distribution services
39 electricity storage
39 electricity supply
39 electronic tracking of goods being part of the transport services
39 electronic tracking of luggage, passengers and consignments
39 energy distribution
39 escorting of passengers
39 escorting of tourists

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