CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 40 - Treatment of Materials

Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

Class Class Name
40 processing of plastic film
40 processing of plastics
40 processing of rubber
40 processing of wafers (silicon slices) and integrated circuits for others
40 processing of waste materials
40 production of energy
40 providing information relating to material treatment
40 providing information relating to metal treatment and refining services
40 providing information relating to photographic development
40 providing information relating to printing via the Internet
40 provision of information relating to material treatment
40 provision of material treatment information relating to scale models
40 provision of material treatment information relating to the production, cutting, forming, processing and finishing of metal and plastic
40 provision of materials treatment information relating to chemicals
40 purification of industrial waste water
40 purification of waste gas
40 purification of waste water
40 quilting
40 raw rubber materials finishing
40 recycling of chemical waste
40 recycling of chemicals
40 recycling of materials
40 recycling of paper
40 recycling of waste
40 recycling of waste and trash
40 recycling of waste and trash
40 recycling of waste oil
40 recycling of waste paper
40 refining of crude oil
40 refining services
40 regeneration of waste
40 regeneration of water
40 removal of impurities from dairy products
40 rental of air-conditioning apparatus
40 rental of boilers
40 rental of bookbinding machines
40 rental of chemical processing machines and apparatus
40 rental of electricity generators
40 rental of food and beverage processing machines and apparatus
40 rental of generators
40 rental of lumbering machines and instruments
40 rental of machines and apparatus for film development, photographic printing, photographic enlargement or photographic finishing
40 rental of machines and apparatus for lumbering, woodworking, or veneering or plywood making
40 rental of machines and apparatus for paper treating and working
40 rental of machines and apparatus for photographic developing, photographic film printing, photographic enlarging and/or photographic finishing
40 rental of machines and apparatus for printing
40 rental of machines and apparatus for processing foods or beverages
40 rental of machines and apparatus for pulp-making, papermaking or paper-working
40 rental of metal treating machines and tools
40 rental of metalworking machines and tools

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