CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 42 - Scientific & Technological

Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis, industrial research and industrial design services; quality control and authentication services; design and development of computer hardware and software.
Commonly used descriptions: architecture; authenticating works of art; chemical analysis; computer rental; computer virus protection services; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining websites for others; design and development of computer hardware and software; design of interior decor; dress designing; electronic data storage; engineering; hosting computer websites; industrial analysis and research services; industrial design; information technology [IT] support services [troubleshooting of software]; installation and maintenance of computer software; land surveying; material testing; packaging design; providing information relating to computer technology and programming via a website; providing search engines for the internet; providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; quality control; rental of computer software; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; scientific laboratory services; server hosting; software as a service [SaaS]; urban planning;
Class Class Name
42 scientific research relating to biomedical materials
42 scientific research relating to clinical trials
42 scientific research relating to genetics and proteomics
42 scientific research relating to the immune system
42 scientific research relating to the nutrition of animals, birds and fish
42 scientific research services
42 scientific testing
42 security services for computer networks
42 semiconductor chip design
42 server hosting
42 ship design
42 shopfitting design consultancy services
42 software and hardware design and development
42 software as a service [SaaS]
42 software consulting services
42 software design
42 software design and development
42 software development
42 software development in the framework of software publishing
42 software development relating to computer database
42 software engineering
42 software installation
42 software installation and updating
42 software integration
42 software maintenance services
42 space planning (design) of interiors
42 space planning [design] of interiors of offices and commercial buildings
42 structural engineering (design)
42 structural engineering (design) advisory and consultancy services
42 styling (industrial design)
42 styling [industrial design]
42 sunglass design services
42 surveying
42 surveying, engineering and architecture services
42 surveying of land
42 surveying of real estate
42 surveying services
42 surveying services relating to buildings or civil engineering
42 technical advice relating to product safety
42 technical advisory services relating to data processing
42 technical assessments relating to design
42 technical consultancy services relating to civil and structural engineering (design)
42 technical consultancy services relating to civil engineering (design)
42 technical consultancy services relating to computer technology
42 technical consultancy services relating to structural engineering (design)
42 technical consultation and research services relating to the oil and gas industries
42 technical consultation relating to computer hardware
42 technical consultation relating to computer software installation and maintenance
42 technical consultation relating to engineering
42 technical consultation relating to surveying

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