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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 10 - Medical Instruments

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; therapeutic and assistive devices adapted for persons with disabilities; massage apparatus; apparatus, devices and articles for nursing infants; sexual activity apparatus, devices and articles.

Class Class Name
10 instruments for the non-invasive crushing or disintegration of concretions in the human body
10 instruments for the treatment and care of the feet and skin
10 instruments for therapy
10 instruments for treatment and care of human skin and for removing dead and rough skin from human body
10 instruments for treatment by the use of electromagnetic energy
10 instruments for use in anaesthesia
10 instruments for use in ventilation of the lungs
10 instruments incorporating computer hardware for medical diagnosis and analysis of physiological, psychiatric, and/or psychological diseases, illnesses, conditions and disorders
10 insufflators
10 insulin injectors in the form of pens for medical purposes
10 integrated tubing for medical use
10 intense pulsed light apparatus for medical, surgical, dental and aesthetic use
10 intense pulsed light instruments for medical, surgical, dental and aesthetic use
10 intensifying screens for X-ray films (used for medical X-ray photograph)
10 interconnected syringe holders
10 interventional delivery catheter
10 interventional guide catheter
10 interventional sheaths
10 intramedullary nails
10 intraocular implants
10 intraocular lens implants
10 intraocular lens inserters
10 intraocular lenses
10 intraocular prostheses [lenses] for surgical implantation
10 intra-oral x-ray systems
10 intravascular brachytherapy systems
10 in-vitro diagnostic testing apparatus incorporating chemical reagents (for medical use)
10 ionizers for medical use
10 iontophoretic drug delivery apparatus
10 IVR (interventional radiology) guide wires
10 jaundice meters
10 joint implants and their parts for orthopedic surgery
10 joints for syringes
10 keratomes
10 kinesiology tapes
10 kits comprising support bandages and stockings
10 knee bandages, orthopaedic
10 knee bandages, orthopedic
10 knee support pillows for medical purposes
10 knitted ankle guards for medical use
10 knitted belts for lumbar vertebra support
10 knitted elbow guards for medical use
10 knitted knee guards for medical use
10 knitted thigh supports for medical use
10 knitted wrist guards for medical use
10 knives for surgical purposes
10 laboratory apparatus for diagnostic purposes
10 laboratory devices for diagnostic purposes
10 lamps for curative, medical, surgical and therapeutical purposes
10 lamps for medical purposes

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