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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 13 - Ammunition & Fireworks

Firearms; ammunition and projectiles, explosives; fireworks.

Class Class Name
13 acetyl-nitrocellulose
13 aerial targets
13 air pistols [weapons]
13 ammonium nitrate explosives
13 ammunition
13 ammunition [explosives]
13 ammunition for firearms
13 ammunition for firearms and guns
13 apparatus for filling cartridge belts
13 apparatus for loading cartridge
13 artillery guns [cannons]
13 automatic firearm ammunition belts
13 bags for carrying or storing firearms (specifically adapted)
13 ballistic missiles
13 ballistic weapons
13 bandoliers for weapons
13 belts adapted for ammunition
13 Bengal lights
13 breeches of firearms
13 cannons
13 carbines
13 carrying cases adapted for firearms
13 cartridge belts
13 cartridge cases
13 cartridge loading apparatus
13 cartridge pouches
13 cartridges
13 cleaning brushes for firearms
13 cocks for rifles
13 detonating caps, other than toys
13 detonating fuses
13 detonating fuses for explosives
13 detonating plugs
13 detonating relays for use with explosive
13 detonators
13 detonators and explosives used in the mining industry
13 dynamite
13 electronic delay detonators
13 explosive cartridges
13 explosive devices
13 explosive powders
13 explosive substances
13 explosive-initiation systems
13 explosives
13 explosives used in the mining industry
13 firearm breeches
13 firearms
13 firearms for hunting
13 firecrackers
13 fireworks

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