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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 25 - Clothing & Shoes

Clothing, footwear, headwear
Commonly used descriptions: aprons (clothing); belts (clothing); children's clothing; clothing; clothing for gymnastics; clothing of leather; footwear; gloves (clothing); hats; infants' clothing; knitwear; maternity clothing; outerwear; rain boots; sandals; school uniforms; sleepwear; socks; sports clothing; sports shoes; swimwear; ties; trousers; tuxedos; underwear; uniforms; veils; wedding gowns; windbreakers; wraps;
Class Class Name
25 jumper dresses
25 jumpers
25 jumpers of imitation leather
25 jumpers of leather
25 jumpers [pullovers]
25 jumpers (shirt fronts)
25 jumpsuits
25 karate suits
25 karate uniforms
25 karate uniforms
25 karate uniforms and belts therefor
25 karategi [karate suits]
25 kendo suits
25 kendogi [kendo suits]
25 kerchiefs
25 kick boxing uniforms
25 kimonos
25 kimonos
25 kiteboard boots
25 knee highs
25 knee trousers
25 knee-high socks
25 knee-high stockings
25 knee-length sports trousers
25 knickers
25 knit and woven shirts
25 knit hats
25 knit pants
25 knit pullovers
25 knit shirts
25 knit sweaters
25 knit tops
25 knitted articles of clothing
25 knitted blouses
25 knitted capes
25 knitted cardigans
25 knitted coats
25 knitted dresses
25 knitted fabric shoes
25 knitted gloves with half fingers
25 knitted hats
25 knitted jackets
25 knitted jerseys
25 knitted jumpers
25 knitted overcoats
25 knitted pullovers
25 knitted shawls
25 knitted shirts
25 knitted skirts
25 knitted sportswear

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