CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 37 - Construction & Installation

Construction services; installation and repair services; mining extraction, oil and gas drilling.

Class Class Name
37 leather care, cleaning and repair
37 leather care, cleaning and repair services
37 letting of equipment for building purposes
37 lift and elevator installation and repair
37 lift installation and repair
37 linen ironing
37 linen ironing services
37 lock installation, maintenance and repair
37 loft clearance
37 lubrication and greasing of vehicles
37 machinery and equipment installation
37 machinery installation and repair
37 machinery installation, maintenance and repair
37 machinery installation, maintenance and repair services
37 maintenance and advisory services relating to building
37 maintenance and repair of airport building facilities
37 maintenance and repair of buildings
37 maintenance and repair of buildings and constructions
37 maintenance and repair of buildings and industrial plants
37 maintenance and repair of communication systems
37 maintenance and repair of computer hardware
37 maintenance and repair of computers, data communications networks and data processing apparatus
37 maintenance and repair of construction machinery and equipment
37 maintenance and repair of driverless towing and carrier vehicles
37 maintenance and repair of earth-moving and excavating machines
37 maintenance and repair of electricity generators
37 maintenance and repair of electronic apparatus
37 maintenance and repair of electronic apparatus for the recording and storage of vehicle data
37 maintenance and repair of facsimiles, scanners and printers
37 maintenance and repair of factories
37 maintenance and repair of fork lift trucks
37 maintenance and repair of heating installations
37 maintenance and repair of high rack stackers
37 maintenance and repair of industrial apparatus
37 maintenance and repair of industrial machinery
37 maintenance and repair of infrared electronic devices, instruments and installations
37 maintenance and repair of infrared electronics
37 maintenance and repair of infrastructural plants relating to environmental business
37 maintenance and repair of land vehicles
37 maintenance and repair of lift trucks
37 maintenance and repair of lift trucks with and without electric drive
37 maintenance and repair of medical apparatus and instrument
37 maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and parts of motor vehicles
37 maintenance and repair of office machine and equipment
37 maintenance and repair of office machines
37 maintenance and repair of oil and gas pipeline
37 maintenance and repair of photographic apparatus
37 maintenance and repair of roof drainage systems
37 maintenance and repair of safes
37 maintenance and repair of safety devices

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