CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 providing computerized tracing of packages in transit
39 providing computerized travel information
39 providing consultation services to others relating to transportation
39 providing cruise information via a global computer network
39 providing driving directions for travel purposes
39 providing electronic freight information
39 providing flight arrival and departure information
39 providing information on the internet relating to transport, in particular the transport of documents, letters, packages, parcels and pallets
39 providing information relating to airports and runways
39 providing information relating to ground and air traffic
39 providing information relating to international transportation
39 providing information relating to parcel pickup and delivery status via the Internet
39 providing information relating to power distribution
39 providing information relating to storage services
39 providing information relating to the transport of goods and people
39 providing information relating to travel by means of databases through a global computer network
39 providing information relating to travel via a global computer network
39 providing news and information relating to aviation online
39 providing on-line advisory services relating to travel
39 providing online information relating to travel and tourism
39 providing parking spaces with coin and/or cash-operated parking machines and instruments
39 providing road and traffic information
39 providing roadway and travel information
39 providing storage information
39 providing tour information a computer and via a global computer network
39 providing traffic information
39 providing transportation information
39 providing transportation information
39 providing transportation services for medical evacuation services
39 providing travel information
39 providing travel information by means of a global computer network
39 providing travel information via a global computer network
39 providing vessel mooring facilities
39 provision of airport information relating to aviation
39 provision of car rental services
39 provision of courier services
39 provision of information relating to cruises
39 provision of information relating to storage
39 provision of information relating to the transportation of goods
39 provision of information relating to tourism through the Internet or telecommunication networks
39 provision of information relating to transportation
39 provision of information relating to travel
39 provision of tourist travel information
39 provision of transport information
39 provision of transport reservation services for merchandise and animals
39 provision of transportation information
39 provision of travel arrangement services
39 provision of travel information
39 rail transport
39 railway coach rental

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