CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 leasing of aircraft
39 leasing of aircraft and aircraft engines
39 leasing of automobiles
39 leasing of automobiles, aircraft, railcars, marine vessels, cargo containers and shipping containers
39 leasing of boats
39 leasing of car parking spaces
39 leasing of cargo and shipping containers
39 leasing of cargo container chassis
39 leasing of cargo containers
39 leasing of cargo containers and refrigerated containers
39 leasing of containers for storage and transportation of goods of others
39 leasing of containers for transportation and operation of container terminal
39 leasing of freight containers
39 leasing of motor vehicles
39 leasing of packing equipment
39 leasing of planes
39 leasing of railway wagons and containers
39 leasing of recreational vehicles
39 leasing of ships
39 leasing of trailer
39 leasing of transport containers for others
39 leasing of transport vehicles
39 leasing of transportation apparatus
39 leasing of trucks
39 leasing of vehicles
39 leasing of warehouse units
39 lighterage services
39 limousine services
39 loading of air freight
39 loading of aircraft
39 loading of cargo
39 loading of freight
39 loading of goods
39 loading of goods and baggage
39 loading of motor vehicles
39 loading of railway wagons
39 loading of ships
39 locker storage services
39 luggage storage
39 luggage storage services
39 mail collection services
39 mail courier services
39 mail delivery services
39 mail forwarding
39 mail order delivery services
39 mailing services (letters and goods)
39 making air transportation reservations by means of a global computer network
39 making bookings and reservations for travel
39 making reservations and bookings for airplane chartering
39 making reservations and bookings for rental of cars

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