CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 40 - Treatment of Materials

Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

Class Class Name
40 photographic laminating
40 photographic printing
40 photographic printing of documents
40 photographic printing services
40 photographic processing
40 photographic reproduction
40 photographic reproduction services
40 photogravure
40 phototypesetting
40 picture laminating
40 planing of materials
40 planographic printing
40 plastic processing
40 plastic recycling services
40 pottery firing
40 powder coating of metals
40 printing
40 printing of cinematograhic films
40 printing of computer-generated photographic images
40 printing of digital images
40 printing of digital photographic images on printing paper and films
40 printing of digital photographs on mugs, T-shirts, mouse pads, puzzles, magnets and posters
40 printing of invitation cards
40 printing of photographic films
40 printing of photographs
40 printing of photographs on invitation cards
40 printing of photographs on phone cards, postcards, calendars, namecards, dishes and/or panels
40 printing of stamps
40 printing process consultation
40 printing services
40 processing and refining of fuel materials
40 processing of bamboo, tree barks and rattan
40 processing of chemical substances
40 processing of cinematographic and photographic films
40 processing of cinematographic films
40 processing of clothing and fabrics
40 processing of diamonds
40 processing of gas
40 processing of glass, tempered glass, insulated glass and laminated glass
40 processing of hydrocarbon
40 processing of industrial oils and greases
40 processing of jewellery and precious stones
40 processing of medical materials
40 processing of medicines
40 processing of metal
40 processing of metal surfaces
40 processing of natural gas
40 processing of oil
40 processing of petroleum products and chemicals
40 processing of photographic slides

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